Medicalis Congress 2021

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Guess who’s back! Missed us?
The future looks bright as things are coming back to normal and we are more than happy to announce that we are back in business! We are working hard to make the 21st Medicalis Congress a reality for you and we hope that this edition will bring us back together even stronger than before.
This being said, REGISTRATIONS ARE OPEN! Make sure to get your ticket in time! And for those of you who’ve already bought last edition’s early birds, you’re set! You can use them now.
Due to the current epidemiological context all conferences will be held online to ensure everyone’s safety. We’ll try our best to make some of the workshops onsite, if it’s possible, so you get the most out of the experience.
Make sure to keep an eye open as we’ll be back with more information regarding this year’s abstracts and presentations.
Stay tuned… and as always, stay safe!